7 ways to stick to your new year resolutions – Times of India

7 ways to stick to your new year resolutions

New year resolution may sound like a cliche topic but still many wait for that one particular day hoping that it would change everything in their life. It can be one or a huge list of wishes, goals and desires that is made with a drive to make sure that the coming year becomes the best of your life. It may include getting fit, travel more, read more books and what not.
However these resolutions might go strong for the first few days and over time, probably after 20 days, you might not want to hold up the promise made as it might have just become a forced habit and you start forgetting that the resolution is meant to be kept.
So here is a quick guideline for you on how to keep up with your resolutions throughout the year.

(Image: Canva)

Think different

Your resolutions need not be very typical and it can go beyond the general thinking of hitting the gym regularly or reducing weight or to travel a lot. Look more into creating a new habit that helps your lifestyle like learning how to invest in stocks, learn how to change a car tyre, how to invest in businesses that will sure shot get you ROIs, spending time to do charity or volunteer – just any thing that can create a happier and healthier life this new year.

Start small

While it might sound nice to change your life overnight, it might not all be real. It is necessary to start small, may be with sustainable goals with a timeline as it can help you get through with it the entire year. Instead of directly leaping forward to achieve the larger goal, set smaller goals and get to it step by step. Remember that only small and consistent steps can get you closer to achieve you final goal.

(Image: Canva)

Visualise your idea

It’s not just enough to make a resolution or write it down to make it happen, but make sure that you visualise it in your imagination. Think of the obstacles, challenges and other issues that you might have trying to achieve your goal. Seeing the bigger picture will help you change your behaviour according to the goal set.

Take support

Not everything can be done alone. A support system is equally important to achieve your goal. Find the right person to talk about your aim or goal of the year and seek help and support from their experience. For example if you want to quit smoking or drinking, it is necessary to find a sponsor who can support you through the process.

Take it slow

Results don’t change immediately and it takes a lot of time when quite a bit of work is done too. Give it time to show a reflection and avoid over expectations. An high expectation can ruin your thoughts and would not let you achieve even the smallest goal, so give it time to reflect.

(Image: Canva)

Need not be perfect

Your resolutions need not be completely perfect. Stickikg to a goal is good but don’t let perfectionism become a enemy of good. Aiming only for perfection can make you lose your mind and it can cause you more stress.

Celebrate small wins

It is very important to celebrate small wins as it might be an efficient way to let your thoughts know that you are stepping forward and nearing the goal, even if it just one step. Try and keep the process of following your resolution fun throughout the year by enjoying even the smallest wins.

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