Arjun Kapoor, who largely grew up under the care of his mother Mona Shourie, recently opened up about the limited but cherished time he spent with his father, Boney Kapoor, during his childhood. In an interview with Galatta India, Arjun recalled his experiences on the set of Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja, a film produced by Boney in 1992.
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“My entire life with my father was being on Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja set. Even by today’s standards, it is one of the biggest films ever made. The film cost Rs 10 crore in 1992,” Arjun shared. The movie featured Anil Kapoor, Jackie Shroff, and Boney’s second wife, Sridevi, whom Arjun respectfully referred to as ‘Sridevi ma’am.’ Despite its grandeur and star-studded cast, the film, directed by Satish Kaushik, was a box-office disaster, leading to significant financial losses.
Recalling the elaborate production, Arjun said, “It had Anil Kapoor, Sridevi ma’am, Jaggu dada (Jackie Shroff), and Anupam Kher as the villain. There was also a pigeon with Anil chachu in the film named Django, who was my favorite character at the time.”
Arjun described the film as a defining experience that sparked his love for cinema. “Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja was larger than life. It had eight songs, a train robbery, and grand visuals. I was infatuated by cinema from that age when I used to visit the set. It was also where I spent time with my father,” he said.
In a separate interview, Boney Kapoor revealed details about his relationship with Sridevi, who he married in 1996. At the time, Boney was married to Mona Kapoor and had two children, Arjun and Anshula. Reflecting on the challenges, Boney said, “It took me four-five-six years to convince her. When I proposed to her, she didn’t speak to me for six months. She said, ‘You’re married with two kids, how can you talk to me like this?’ But I said what was in my heart, and fortune favoured me.”