Kiran Rao‘s Laapataa Ladies, India’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars in the Best Foreign Language Film category, didn’t make it. The Academy recently revealed the top 10 films for the 97th Oscars, but Laapataa Ladies wasn’t included.
Chhaya, who played an important role in the film, responded to the news and said she wanted to give director Kiran Rao some time to process it. In an interview with News 18, the actress shared her disappointment, calling the news disheartening as they had high hopes for the film. Despite the setback, she stayed optimistic, vowing to keep working hard on future projects and aiming to come back stronger in the Oscars race.
The actress also mentioned that she hasn’t spoken to Kiran Rao yet, saying, “I want to give her some time. She had just returned to India from the USA, where she had been for about a month.”
Chhaya revealed that she and Kiran Rao had met just three days ago at an event, feeling hopeful and excited about their Oscar chances. They were confident about going far in the competition. She also expressed their wish for All We Imagine As Light to receive an Oscar nomination.
All We Imagine As Light recently received a nomination at the 82nd Golden Globe Awards in the Best Motion Picture (Non-English Language) category. Chhaya Kadam believes that both Laapataa Ladies and All We Imagine As Light have inspired many Indian filmmakers, boosting their confidence that they are heading in the right direction.
She further highlighted that films like Laapataa Ladies, All We Imagine As Light, and 12th Fail may not achieve commercial success but are aimed at festival recognition. These films often face challenges with theatrical releases and limited audiences. Still, she feels proud to be part of both Laapataa Ladies and All We Imagine As Light, believing they are on the right track.