Actor Allu Arjun, who has been named as one of the accused in the tragic stampede case at Sandhya Theatre, received significant relief from the Nampally court. Following a request from his counsel, the court modified certain conditions of his regular bail, including an exemption from the requirement to appear at the Chikkadapally police station every Sunday.
According to Hindustan Times, the ‘Pushpa’ actor’s legal team had cited security concerns as the reason for seeking the relaxation. The Nampally court also granted him permission to travel abroad, providing further relief just a day before he was scheduled to report to the police station.
On December 13, Arjun was arrested from his residence in Jubilee Hills, facing charges in connection with the unfortunate death of a female fan during the tragic stampede at the ‘Pushpa 2’ premiere on December 4, 2024. While the Nampally court had originally sentenced him to 14 days in remand, the High Court granted him interim bail for four weeks, leading to his release from Chanchalguda Central Jail on December 14.
On January 3, the Nampally court granted Arjun regular bail on the condition of two sureties of Rs 50,000 each. One of the primary conditions of his bail was that he must appear every Sunday at the Chikkadapally police station, in addition to remaining in the country.
The incident that led to Arjun’s arrest occurred on December 4 during the premiere of his movie ‘Pushpa 2: The Rule’ at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. The actor’s arrival sparked a frenzy among fans, causing a stampede that tragically led to the death of a woman, with her young son suffering critical injuries. The victim’s family filed a complaint, which led to the arrests of Arjun, the theatre management, and several security personnel.
Allu has previously offered Rs 25 lakh to the family of the deceased woman and later paid a visit to the injured boy at the hospital with the permission of the police and court.