Indian cinema continues to shine on the global stage with the Oscar nomination of ‘Anuja‘ in the Best Live Action Short Film category at the 97th Academy Awards. This heartwarming film, produced by acclaimed filmmaker Guneet Monga and global icon Priyanka Chopra, joins a prestigious list of five shortlisted films vying for the coveted award.
Talking to Etimes, actor Nagesh Bhonsle said, “I am truly happy that it addresses the issue of child labour. The child who was cast in the film, was indeed a child labourer and came from a slum. It was a very honest and impactful effort. And it tackles an issue that is highly relevant and likely deeply connected to their own experiences.”
Elaborating further, he added, “The girl stays in Delhi and she was quite smart and charming. She was quick to understand things. She was able to do what was told to her.”Talking about child labour, Nagesh shared, “It should not happen. The child should not be treated the way they are done in India. Somebody has to do something about it or say something about it.”
“Someone coming from the US to India to do a film on child labour and shooting with Indian in India is commendable,” he concluded.
‘Anuja’ tells the poignant story of a nine-year-old girl who works alongside her sister in a bustling garment factory. The film delves into the realities faced by young children in the workforce, exploring themes of resilience, family, and the difficult choices they must make.
This marks Guneet Monga’s third Oscar nomination, following her triumphant victories with ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ and ‘Period. End of Sentence.’ These wins have solidified her position as a leading force in Indian cinema, showcasing the power of storytelling to address critical social issues.
The 97th Academy Awards ceremony, hosted by Conan O’Brien, will take place on March 2nd at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. The ‘Anuja’ team, including director Adam J Graves, will join a distinguished group of filmmakers vying for the prestigious award.