Saba Pataudi REACTS to trolls who question Saif Ali Khan’s quick recovery after surgery: ‘Educate yourselves’ | Hindi Movie News – The Times of India

Saba Pataudi REACTS to trolls who question Saif Ali Khan’s quick recovery after surgery: ‘Educate yourselves’

Saif Ali Khan got attacked at his house on January 16. The actor was stabbed during an attempt at burglary at his house. He was rushed to the hospital and underwent a surgery. The doctors of the hospital had said that one cut was close to his spine and a 2.5 inch blade was also recovered from his spine. However, as Saif returned home from the hospital, he looked quite fit and healthy. This led to trolls on the internet question the attack on him as they pointed out at how he recovered so soon.
Saif’s sister Saba Ali Pataudi has now reacted to this. She shared a post which had a doctor explaining the reason behind Saif’s quick recovery. The post’s headline read, “Educate yourselves: Doctor explains reason as people call Saif’s recovery ‘quick’.” Saba circled and highlighted the word ‘educate’, thus giving out a message to trolls.
She further told everyone to read the caption. The caption of this post by The Filmy Official was, “Cardiologist Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy dismissed doubts over #SaifAliKhan’s 5-day recovery after surgeries due to multiple stab wounds.” In this video, the doctor said, “People who’ve had cardiac bypass surgeries climb stairs on 3rd/4th day…educate yourselves.”
Meanwhile, Pooja Bhatt had defended Saif and told exclusively to ETimes, “The graphic details of the stabbing that emerged in the media painted an image in people’s heads about Saif’s physical state. That image was perhaps not in sync with the visuals of seeing him walk out of hospital on his own two feet. But don’t these very people forget that they lauded him for walking himself into the hospital as well? A man who checks himself into hospital in a wounded, traumatised condition surely has the grit to walk out of hospital on his own. We should be applauding this instead of resorting to being conspiracy theorists.”

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