We often curse our work, don’t we? It’s just so easy to complain about the stress, late hours, and demanding bosses. It’s very common for us to be grumbling about our careers, stuck in this endless trap of irritation. Whether it is the weight of work, office politics , or just the commute in, we just can’t seem to point out the positive anything. But imagine if we just changed our frame of mind.
Sister BK Shivani, a renowned spiritual guide, urges us to change our work attitudes. Rather than considering our work as burden, she urges us to consider our work as a chance for growth and gratitude. She believes that cultivating a positive mindset and developing a healthy work culture are essential for both personal and professional growth.
Money will come home with negative energy
In one of the videos shared on her YouTube channel, she poses a thought-provoking question: “Ask anyone what is the reason for stress in their life. They say it is because of their job. The place where we get money. How grateful should we be to that place? How grateful should we be to the people for whom we are working?”
Rather than gratitude, most people show negativity towards the workplace, feeling helpless and trapped. They might say things like, “It is like this, it is like that, it is such a place, we are helpless. We are not getting a job anywhere else. That is why we have to work here. As soon as I get it, I will leave it tomorrow. I am earning money from there.”
Sister Shivani cautions that this negative energy has its negative impacts. “That money will come home. A lot of money will come home. But it will come with that energy of complaints, criticism, competition, comparison, fatigue, stress, fear, and criticism. And when we nurture our family with this vibration of money, we will not get as much power as we need.” Complaining all the time makes us inject negativity into our earnings, which may reduce its positive effect on our lives and families.

Building a positive work culture
Sister Shivani stresses the importance of creating a healthy work environment based on positive relationships and mutual respect. In an interview with Curly Tales, she states, “The foundation of any relationship is what we are thinking of the other person. Everything will crumble if we are not thinking right. If we are not thinking right, the foundation will crumble.” To develop better relationships, she advises that when giving feedback, it’s crucial to first acknowledge the positive aspects before addressing areas that need improvement.
She also insists that organisations must have a defined purpose and treat employees like loved members of a family. Her message to employers is, “Don’t use them (employees) only as a means of earning money. They are your family.” Creating a supportive atmosphere can boost morale and productivity.
Leaders have a significant role in creating a positive work culture. They should lead by example, promoting open communication and ensuring that even when an employee must leave, the process is handled with dignity. “The dignity that remains in the whole process that is the culture.”

Practical steps for a more positive mindset towards your job
To develop a brighter outlook at work, here are a few steps inspired by Sister Shivani’s take on work-life:
Practice gratitude: Stop for a moment and be thankful for what your job provides, like a stable income and opportunities to learn and develop. Maintaining a gratitude journal can change your perspective from the negative to the positive things about your job and life. Small things are also worth being thankful for.
Stay focused on solutions: Rather than becoming bogged down by problems, try to figure out how to make things better. Divide large problems into small, manageable tasks and tackle them individually. Taking action, even small action, helps reduce negative feelings and puts you back in control.
Encourage positive communication: Aim for respectful and helpful conversations with your workmates and managers. Good communication helps create stronger relationships and improves teamwork. A supportive atmosphere boosts everyone’s spirits and gets better results.
Disconnect after hours: Draw a line between your job and your personal life to avoid getting burnt out. Establishing routines can provide a sense of stability and control. Try to switch off from work at least a couple of hours before you go to bed. A relaxing evening routine can help ensure a clear distinction between work and personal time.
Prioritise well-being: Make time for things that keep you happy and healthy, like exercise, meditation, or spending time with family and friends. Looking after your physical and mental health go hand-in-hand. Sister BK Shivani highlights the importance of good sleep, discipline, and working on personal values for a simple life.
By taking these steps, you can transform your attitude towards your job and develop a more fulfilling and balanced life. Building a positive mindset for your work isn’t just a nice idea it’s a powerful tool for making your life better, boosting your well-being, and achieving your goals.