PM Modi, Donald Trump agree to push forward talks on trade deal; foreign secretary hints at tariff liberalisation

PM Modi, Donald Trump agree to push forward talks on trade deal; foreign secretary hints at tariff liberalisation | India News – The Times of India

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump have agreed to advance negotiations on the Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA), ANI reported on Saturday citing sources. Further, foreign secretary hinted at the country’s move to liberalise tariffs a day after Trump claimed that India had agreed to bring down duties.To achieve the goals…

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PM Modi bows to MAGA, but insists US backs MIGA too

PM Modi bows to MAGA, but insists US backs MIGA too – The Times of India

TOI correspondent from Washington: India will buy unprecedented amounts of American oil, gas, military hardware and agricultural products to bridge the trade gap between the two countries in return for enhanced US support for its rise through military cooperation, technology transfers in critical areas, and regional dominance, under a deal struck by its leaders.In four…

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