Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu has same 'warning' for China that Elon Musk made to Singapore, Japan and South Korea

Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu has same ‘warning’ for China that Elon Musk made to Singapore, Japan and South Korea – The Times of India

Zoho founder Sridhar Vembu Zoho CEO Sridhar Vembu has kinda same warning for China as, Elon Musk had for Singapore, Japan and South Korea. Elon Musk has often warned about declining populations in several Asian countries, including Japan, Singapore and South Korea. Elon Musk even went on to say that Singapore is particularly at risk…

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China population shrinks for third year even with more babies born

China population shrinks for third year even with more babies born – Times of India

China’s population shrank for the third straight year in 2024, even though births rose slightly, underscoring a persistent long-term risk for the economy.The total number of people in China fell by over 1.39 million to 1.408 billion last year, according to data released by the National Statistics Bureau on Friday.Around 9.54 million babies were born,…

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