Rumy Jafry shares priceless keepsake from Raj Kapoor’s Deonar Bungalow: 'I took his iconic sofa as a remembrance' - Exclusive

Rumy Jafry shares priceless keepsake from Raj Kapoor’s Deonar Bungalow: ‘I took his iconic sofa as a remembrance’ – Exclusive | – The Times of India

Rumy Jafry, a close friend of the Kapoor family, recalls a poignant memory from Raj Kapoor’s Deonar bungalow, which was being demolished. He requested a keepsake and received Raj Kapoor’s beloved wrought iron sofa. Raj Kapoor favored this spot for music, writing, and evening drinks, making the sofa a cherished memento for Rumy. Rumy Jafry,…

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