
Magnesium Deficiency: 4 ways it can affect your heart health | – The Times of India

Magnesium may not get the spotlight like calcium or potassium, but it’s a game-changer when it comes to our hearts. This often-overlooked mineral is responsible for keeping our hearts in check. Yet, when we don’t get enough, the consequences can be far-reaching and, at times, dangerous. From disrupting the heart’s rhythm to increasing the risk…

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Neglecting high blood pressure can lead to this dangerous disease

Dementia risk: Neglecting high blood pressure can lead to this dangerous disease | – The Times of India

High blood pressure more commonly known as a silent killer. It doesn’t just harm our heart—it could also impact our brain. A study published in Neurology reveals that neglecting hypertension can increase the risk of developing cognitive issues like dementia. But there’s hope—simple lifestyle changes and proper blood pressure management can greatly reduce these risks….

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